I found this photo a couple of weeks ago and it took me a few days to figure out when, what and where the photo was from. The shoes, shirt and shorts gave me the first clues that this was my FIRST marathon. The street signs in the background confirmed my suspicions. I was 25 years old. It was the 1985 Columbus marathon. And, like this past weekend, it was 80+ degrees. Many runners were hospitalized. I did have some troubles in the finish area. I searched for a long time trying to find water and all I could find was Gatorade. My stomach was upset and I didn’t think I could keep anything but water down. After a few minutes of looking, I just grabbed a cup of light green stuff and sat by a tent. It cam up as quickly as it went down. The tent I was sitting next to just happened to be a medical tent and a nurse heard my heaving. Next thing I know I’m in a bed and they are getting ready to put in an IV. I quickly convinced the nurse that all I needed was a little water. I avoided an IV by sipping water and holding it down. Whew. Anyway this was a cool photo from my past that I wanted to share.
- Mike
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Nice photo Mike!
I too enjoy looking back at old running photos and remembering where/when they were taken, how I felt, etc. I still have my finisher's photo from my first marathon in 1995. The Revco-Cleveland. I had worn a snug-fitting grey cotton shirt (rookie mistake). The left side of my torso is a long blood stain - looked like I'd gotten shot!
My first was Columbus in 1980 during my senior year of High School. I thought XC season was enough to prepare for a marathon that Fall. Wrong. I finished but could hardly walk for 3 days.
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