Sunday, January 20, 2008


I ran the Disney Marathon one week ago today. I did what I expected but not what I wanted. No excuses; I just did not prepare as I should have. I expected something just under 3:30 and I finished with 3:27:55. I felt great up to about 18. The next 4 miles were tough but I kept my pace about 7:40 per mile and pushed through the pain. The last 4 miles were not much fun and my pace dropped-off significantly. My last 2 miles were 9:46 and 9:55. Not great but I didn't walk!

Here is a photo of me at mile 10.5. With the way the castle shadows fall - it looks like I have my mouse ears on?

About 19 miles into the race we were running on the parkway between Animal Kingdom and the MGM Disney Park, I caught view of a runner in FULL Minnie Mouse costume. I was gaining on Minnie and was planning something quippy to say to her. As I passed her, I realized it was a HIM! I kept my mouth shut. It was a welcome diversion from my pain.

My wife Judy got a photo of HIM in the finish area.

Here is a family photo in the finish area:

L to R: Back Row, Mother-in-Law (Dolly), Wife (Judy), Donald, Daisy, Me; Front Row, Daughter (Angie)